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1 Bulworth  Sep 12, 2014 5:48:58am

A hearty congratulations to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade for ridding themselves of this clown, Donohue.

And I’m pretty sure “The Catholic League” is pretty much just Donohue, with perhaps a smattering of dictator Franco-loving groupies.

2 Amory Blaine  Sep 12, 2014 5:50:39am

Donahue and his clown show parading down the street is not appealing.

3 Bulworth  Sep 12, 2014 5:58:03am
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights said it pulled out of the March 2015 event because the parade committee denied an anti-abortion group from marching with banners while bending its rules to allow the gay group to do so, League President Bill Donohue said in a statement.

Maybe because gay people marching is more family friendly than having some nutty anti-abortion group parading with pictures of fetuses.

4 HappyWarrior  Sep 12, 2014 7:35:30am

re: #3 Bulworth

Maybe because gay people marching is more family friendly than having some nutty anti-abortion group parading with pictures of fetuses.

this times a 1000.

5 Ace-o-aces  Sep 12, 2014 8:49:58am

Here’s a fun little bit of trivia. Bill Donohue, Mr. “more-Catholic-than-the-Pope”, is divorced. Talk about your cafeteria Catholics.

6 FemNaziBitch  Sep 12, 2014 10:26:01am

re: #5 Ace-o-aces

Here’s a fun little bit of trivia. Bill Donohue, Mr. “more-Catholic-than-the-Pope”, is divorced. Talk about your cafeteria Catholics.

I have one thing to say about the RC Church and hypocrisy: Newt

7 De Kolta Chair  Sep 12, 2014 1:49:00pm

For something that calls itself a league, they only seem to have one member: Bill Donohue. I don’t recall ever seeing in the press the name of anyone else.

8 HappyWarrior  Sep 12, 2014 7:38:31pm

re: #7 De Kolta Chair

For something that calls itself a league, they only seem to have one member: Bill Donohue. I don’t recall ever seeing in the press the name of anyone else.

No kidding. The CL has always come off to me as the Bill Donohue Shouts At a Cloud League more so than something representing Catholics.

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